Altova StyleVision 2025 Basic Edition

What Is an SPS?

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A StyleVision Power Stylesheet (or SPS) is an extended XSLT stylesheet which is used to graphically create a design for an HTML output document


An SPS is saved with the file extension .sps.


Design of the SPS

An SPS is created graphically in StyleVision. It is based on a schema (DTD or XML Schema). The design of the SPS is flexible. It can contain dynamic and static content. The dynamic content is the data in one XML document. The static content is content entered directly in the SPS. Dynamic content can be included in the design either as straight text or within components such as input fields, combo boxes, and tables. Additionally, dynamic content can be manipulated (using Auto-Calculations) and can be displayed if certain conditions in the source document are fulfilled. Different pieces of content can be placed at various and multiple locations in the SPS. Also, the SPS can contain various other components, such as images, hyperlinks, and JavaScript functions. Each component of the SPS can then be formatted for presentation as required.


The SPS and XSLT stylesheets

After you have completed designing the SPS, you can generate XSLT stylesheets based on the design you have created. StyleVision supports XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0 and XSLT 3.0, and from a single SPS, you can generate XSLT stylesheets for HTML, RTF, XSL-FO, Text, and Word 2007-and-higher output (XSL-FO, Text, and Word 2007-and-higher in Enterprise edition only; RTF and Text in Enterprise and Professional Editions; in Basic Edition only HTML output is supported). The generated XSLT stylesheets can be used in external transformations to transform XML documents based on the same schema as the SPS from which the XSLT stylesheet was generated. For more information about procedures used with XSLT stylesheets, see the section Generated Files.


The SPS and output

You can also use StyleVision to directly generate output (HTML, RTF, Text, XSL-FO, and PDF in Enterprise Edition; HTML and RTF  in Professional Edition; and HTML in Basic Edition). The tabs for Output Views display the output for the active SPS document directly in the StyleVision GUI. The required output can also be generated to file from within the GUI via the File | Save Generated Files command or via StyleVision Server.


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