Altova StyleVision 2025 Basic Edition

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This documentation is the user manual delivered with StyleVision. It is available as the built-in Help system of StyleVision, can be viewed online at the Altova website, and can also be downloaded from there as a PDF, which you can print.


The user manual is organized into the following sections:


An introduction, which explains what an SPS is and introduces the main features and concepts of StyleVision.

A description of the user interface, which provides an overview of the StyleVision GUI.

A tutorial section, which is a hands-on exercise to familiarize you with StyleVision features.

Usage Overview, which describes usage at a high level: for example, schema sources used to create an SPS, the broad design process, Authentic View deployment, and projects.

SPS File Content, which explains how static (stylesheet-originated) and dynamic (XML document-originated) components are created and edited in the SPS.

SPS File Structure, which shows how an SPS file can be structured and modularized, and describes the handling of StyleVision's templates.

SPS File Advanced Features, which describes advanced design features, such as the automatic generation of calculations, the setting up of conditions, grouping and sorting on user-defined criteria, and how to build tables of contents and cross-references in the output document.

SPS File Presentation, which explains how SPS components are formatted and laid out.

SPS File Additional Editing Functionality, which describes a range of additional features that can make your SPS more powerful. These features include: global resources for leveraging functionality in other Altova products, additional validation, scripts, and variables and parameters.

A reference section containing descriptions of all symbols and commands used in StyleVision.

Appendices containing information about the Altova XSLT Engine information; technical data about StyleVision; and license information.


How to use

We suggest you read the Introduction, User Interface and Usage Overview sections first in order to get an overview of StyleVision features and general usage. Doing the tutorial next would provide hands-on experience of creating an SPS. The SPS File sections (SPS File Content, SPS File Structure, SPS File Advanced Features, SPS File Presentation, SPS File Additional Functionality) provide detailed descriptions of how to use various StyleVision features. For subsequent reference, the Reference section provides a concise description of all toolbar icon, design symbols, and menu commands, organized according to toolbar and menu.


File paths in Windows

File paths given in this documentation will not be the same for all operating systems. You should note the following correspondences:


(My) Documents folder: Located by default at the following locations. Example files are located in a sub-folder of this folder.


Windows 7/8/10/11



Application folder: The Application folder is the folder where your Altova application is located. The path to the Application folder is, by default, the following.


Windows 7/8/10/11

C:\Program Files\Altova\

32-bit version on 64-bit OS

C:\Program Files (x86)\Altova\


Note:        StyleVision is also supported on Windows Server 2016 or newer.


Support options

Should you have any question or problem related to StyleVision, the following support options are available:


1.Check the Help file (this documentation). The Help file contains a full text-search feature, besides being fully indexed.
2.Check the FAQs and Discussion Forum at the Altova Website.


Commonly used abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used frequently in this documentation:


SPS: StyleVision Power Stylesheet

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions



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