Altova LicenseServer

One Machine Registered with Different Names

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A client machine is automatically registered with LicenseServer when an Altova product on it is registered with LicenseServer. Now, if a client machine is registered more than once with LicenseServer, then the machine might appear in the Client Management tab under multiple names, that is, with multiple entries. This could happen, for example, if the host name of the machine is given in a different form than in previous registrations.


This could lead to two situations:


Multiple licenses are assigned to the same product because they are assigned to the same machine under its different names.

One license might be assigned multiple times to a product on a single machine that appears under multiple machine names.


To ensure that neither of these situations arise, unregister redundant client machines as described in Unregister Products and Client.


Morphology of machine names

Given below are forms a machine name might take in the Client Management tab:


Host name with domain name (the fully qualified domain name, FQDN), such as: "" or "". This happens when the host name of the machine (with or without the domain information) is passed as the argument of the licenseserver CLI command that is used to register the server product with LicenseServer. For example: <AltovaServerProduct> licenseserver Doc3. This produces an FQDN such as:
An FQDN is also produced when localhost is supplied on Windows 7 and 10 systems as the host name.

Host name without domain name. For example: "win80-x64_1" or "Doc3". This happens on Windows 8 systems when localhost is given as the machine name.

localhost. In some cases, localhost is also displayed as a machine name.


Note:If, during installation of an Altova server product on Windows machines, the machine is automatically registered with LicenseServer, localhost is used by the installer as the machine name.



Connecting to LicenseServer over VPN

If a client machine connects to your network over a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service, the client machine might be assigned an IP address dynamically, leading to it being identified as a different machine each time it connects. How to resolve the issue that results is described in the topic Network Information.


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