Altova GDPR Compliance Database

Software Requirements

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The Altova GDPR Compliance Database is supplied as a complete and fully functional MobileTogether solution. It must be deployed on a MobileTogether Server, from where it can be used by multiple distributed users of the system. To run the Altova GDPR Compliance Database in your organizational environment, the following applications/components are required:


Altova MobileTogether Designer: Needed to deploy the Compliance Database to an Altova MobileTogether Server on your organization's intranet. MobileTogether Designer is free of charge and can be downloaded from the Altova website. For information about working with MobileTogether Designer, see its user manual.


Altova MobileTogether Server: The Compliance Database is deployed via MobileTogether Designer to the MobileTogether Server. Authorized users can then access the Compliance Database via web-browser interfaces. Altova MobileTogether Server can be downloaded from the Altova website. It requires a license, which can be bought at the Altova online shop. For information about how MobileTogether Server works, see its user manual. Note that Altova MobileTogether Server can be installed on Windows, Linux, and macOS.


Altova StyleVision Server: The Compliance Database uses the document-generation functionality of StyleVision Server to generate reports in PDF and Microsoft Word formats. StyleVision Server uses Apache FOP, the FO processor of the Apache Project, to generate PDF files. FOP is automatically installed with StyleVision Server; but note that FOP requires Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or later to be installed on the StyleVision Server machine. Altova StyleVision Server can be downloaded from the Altova website; it requires a license, which can be bought at the Altova online shop. For information about working with StyleVision Server, see its user manual. Note that Altova StyleVision Server can be installed on Windows, Linux, and macOS.


Altova LicenseServer: Needed to license MobileTogether Server and StyleVision Server. LicenseServer is free of charge and can be downloaded from the Altova website. For information about working with LicenseServer, see its user manual. Note that Altova LicenseServer can be installed on Windows, Linux, and macOS.


Note:StyleVision Server must be installed on the same machine as MobileTogether Server.


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