Altova UModel 2024 Enterprise Edition

UModel and Databases

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You can import SQL databases into UModel in order to view their structure or modify it using UML (for a list of supported databases, see Database Support). UModel can conveniently display the database structure in UML Database diagrams similar to the one illustrated below.


The following database elements can be imported to the database model:



Check Constraints

Primary / Foreign / Unique keys




Stored procedures



Note:Views, Triggers, Stored procedures and Functions can only be imported, though not added, in UModel.


After importing the database structure in UModel, you can modify it and apply the changes to the actual database, using the Merge Program Code from UModel project command. This creates a database change script file which can be executed, or saved for later execution. Alternatively, if changes took place in the database since the last synchronization, you can merge them into the model (or overwrite the model with the changes).


For information about how database elements map to UModel elements, see Database Mappings.

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