Altova FlowForce Server 2023 Advanced Edition

Terminate Worker Mode

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Whenever you need to convert a worker machine to a standalone FlowForce Server instance, you can do so from the cluster management interface of the worker machine:


1.Make sure that your FlowForce user account has the "Maintain cluster" privilege, see How Privileges Work.

2.On the worker machine, click Administration, and then click Cluster.

3.Click Leave Master Instance.


This converts the FlowForce Server instance to normal operating mode; however, it still remains registered with the master instance until explicitly removed by the master. In this state, you can still generate a secret key for this worker on the master machine in the event that you want to rejoin the cluster. To remove a worker completely from the master machine as well, see the instructions below.


Removing a worker from the master

On the master machine, any workers that requested to join the master instance in the past are visible at all times in the cluster management page. This includes both workers that confirmed their security token and those that have not. The latter category includes machines that were converted to normal (not worker) status.


Removing a worker without first terminating worker mode leaves the worker in worker mode, and it will not be able to connect to the master any longer. To make connection to master possible again, perform the Leave Master Instance action on the worker machine, as described above.

To remove a worker from the master instance:

1.Make sure that your FlowForce user account has the "Maintain cluster" privilege, see How Privileges Work.

2.On the master machine, click Administration, and then click Cluster. The list of workers is visible in the "Members" section.


3.Click Remove Worker. A confirmation message appears.

4.Click Confirm and Remove.

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