Altova RecordsManager

Data-Entry Forms

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A data table's data-entry form appears when you either create a new record or edit an existing record.


If multiple data-entry forms have been defined for a data table, then these will be available in the View combo box (see screenshot below). Select the form you want to work with. Each form provides a different layout for data entry, so you can change forms at any time. But be sure to save your data before changing forms. In the screenshot below, for example, Legal Entry Form might provide a layout that displays basic legal information; whereas Paralegal Entry Form might show specific fields related to auxiliary legal matters.

Clöick to expand/collapse

Note:If only one data-entry form has been defined for a data table, then that form is displayed directly and the Select View combo box does not appear.


For information about editing a record, see the topic, Editing Data.


Sorting records on columns

Records can be sorted on a column if an arrow symbol is displayed next to the column's header. Within a record list that is sorted on one column, you can sort on two further columns. For example, a list can be sorted on a Country column, then a State column, and then a City column. Consequently, records of San Francisco and Los Angeles would be located near each other because they would first have been sorted on USA and then on California. The sorting priority of columns is indicated by the number of arrows in their respective headers. The column with the highest priority has one arrow, and that with the lowest has three arrows. This order of priority will have been set by your administrator, and you cannot change it.


You can, however, reverse the order of each column by clicking that column's arrow symbol. In our example, if the order of the City column is reversed, then the following happens: the order of USA records relative to other countries will not change; the order of California records relative to other American states will not change; only the order of cities within states will change.


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