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La búsqueda de Altova del término de búsqueda "xpath" encontró 200 documentos:

Documentos 171 - 180 de un total de 200

Resultados Sección
fn:has-children - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery has-children function...Summary...Returns true if the supplied node has one or more child nodes (of any kind). Signatures...fn:has-children (...) as xs:boolean...fn:has-children (...)...
op:subtract-dayTimeDurations - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery subtract-dayTimeDurations function...Summary...Returns the result of subtracting one xs:dayTimeDuration from another. Operator Mapping...Defines the semantics of the "-" operator when...
fn:collection - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery collection function...Summary...Returns a sequence of items identified by a collection URI; or a default collection if no URI is supplied. Signatures...fn:collection (...) as item()*
op:divide-yearMonthDuration - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery divide-yearMonthDuration function...Summary...Returns the result of dividing the value of $arg1 by $arg2 . The result is rounded to the nearest month. Operator Mapping...Defines the...
op:subtract-dates - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery subtract-dates function...Summary...Returns the xs:dayTimeDuration that corresponds to the elapsed time between the starting instant of $arg2 and the starting instant of $arg2 ....
fn:collation-key - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery collation-key function...Summary...Given a string value and a collation, generates an internal value called a collation key, with the property that the matching and ordering of...
fn:distinct-values - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery distinct-values function...Summary...Returns the values that appear in a sequence, with duplicates eliminated. Signatures...fn:distinct-values (...$arg as xs:anyAtomicType*...) as...
fn:generate-id - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery generate-id function...Summary...This function returns a string that uniquely identifies a given node. Signatures...fn:generate-id (...) as xs:string...fn:generate-id (...$arg as...
fn:normalize-unicode - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery normalize-unicode function...Summary...Returns the value of $arg after applying Unicode normalization. Signatures...fn:normalize-unicode (...$arg as xs:string?...) as xs:string...$arg...
fn:replace - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery replace function...Summary...Returns a string produced from the input string by replacing any substrings that match a given regular expression with a supplied replacement string....
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