Altova StyleVision Server 2024

Syntax and description

The setfopath command (short form is sfp) specifies the path to an Apache FOP processor other than that included in the StyleVision Server package.


stylevisionserver setfopath | sfp [options] Path  


By default the Apache FOP processor that is included with StyleVision Server is used for processing FO documents and generating PDF output. If you wish to use some other Apache FOP processor instance than the processor supplied with StyleVision Server, use the setfopath command with the Path argument giving the path to the FO processor you want to use.

After an alternative FO processor has been specified with the setfopath command, it is this processor that will be used when PDF is generated with subsequent generate commands. To change processors again, use the setfopath command again. To switch back to StyleVision Server's FOP processor, locate the FOP folder on your system and use this path as the argument of setfopath.

On Windows systems, the FOP folder that was installed wih StyleVision Server will be located under ProgramData\Altova\SharedBetweenVersions; on Linux and macOS systems in a descendant folder of the StyleVisionServer2024 folder.


For information about setting up FOP, which StyleVision Server uses by default to generate PDF, see the topic FOP Requirements.


For more information about FDF files and designing fillable PDF forms, see the Altova StyleVision (Enterprise Edition) documentation.




After running the setfopath command, you can use the generate command to generate a PDF using the just-specified FO processor:


stylevisionserver setfopath C:\FOP\FOP.bat

stylevisionserver generate --inputxml=Test.xml --pdf=Test.pdf Test.pxf


The commands above do the following:


1.The setfopath command specifies that the FO processor at the location C:\FOP\FOP.bat is to be used to generate PDF in subsequent PDF-generation commands.

2.The generate command generates a PDF file from the specified input XML, using transformation files contained in the PXF file. The FO processor specified in the previous command is used for generating the PDF.




Use the --h, --help  option to display information about the command.


Options are listed in short form (if available) and long form. You can use one or two dashes for both short and long forms. An option may or may not take a value. If it takes a value, it is written like this: --option=value. Values can be specified without quotes except in two cases: (i) when the value string contains spaces, or (ii) when explicitly stated in the description of the option that quotes are required. If an option takes a Boolean value and no value is specified, then the option's default value is TRUE. Use the --h, --help option to display information about the command.




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