Altova StyleVision Server 2024

Additional Setup Notes (Windows)

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In order to run the Windows examples that are packaged with StyleVision Server in the etc\examples sub-folder of the application folder, the StyleVision Server DLL must be correctly registered with the system. A registration error typically occurs if you have, over time, installed different bit-versions of StyleVision Server (32-bit and 64-bit) on a single machine.


To correctly register the StyleVision Server DLL (either the 32-bit or 64-bit version) on Windows machines, do the following:


1.Open a command prompt in administrator mode

2.Switch to the folder in which the DLL is located. The command to do this would be: cd C:\Program Files\Altova\StyleVisionServer2024\bin

3.Run the following command to register the DLL (either 32-bit or 64-bit): regsvr32 StyleVisionServer.dll

4.Ensure that you get a popup saying that the registration succeeded

5.Open Visual Studio

6.Load the project using StyleVisionServerAPI_Sample.sln

7.Confirm that your Program.cs file contains valid pathways

8.Run the project by using Ctrl+F5


Note:The path to the application folder on Windows systems is typically: C:\Program Files\Altova\StyleVisionServer2024.


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