Altova RaptorXML Server 2024

This section:


Location of the Server executable

Starting RaptorXML as a service on Windows  

Starting RaptorXML as a service on Linux

Starting RaptorXML as a service on macOS


Location of the Server executable file

The RaptorXML Server executable is installed by default in the folder:




The executable can be used to start RaptorXML Server as a service.


Starting as a service on Windows

The installation process will have registered RaptorXML Server as a service on Windows. You must, however, start RaptorXML Server as a service. You can do this in the following ways:


Via the Altova ServiceController, which is available as an icon in the system tray. If the icon is not available, you can start Altova ServiceController and add its icon to the system tray by going to the Start menu, then selecting All Programs | Altova | Altova LicenseServer | Altova ServiceController.

Via the Windows Services Management Console: Control Panel | All Control Panel Items | Administrative Tools | Services.

Via the command prompt started with administrator rights. Use the following command under any directory: net start "AltovaRaptorXMLServer"

Via the RaptorXML Server executable in a command prompt window: RaptorXMLServer.exe debug. This starts the server, with server activity information going directly to the command prompt window. The display of server activity information can be turned on and off with the http.log-screen setting of the server configuration file. To stop the server, press Ctrl+Break (or Ctrl+Pause). When the server is started this wayrather than as a service as described in the three previous stepsthe server will stop when the command line console is closed or when the user logs off.


Starting as a service on Linux

Start RaptorXML Server as a service with the following command:


[< Debian 8]

sudo /etc/init.d/raptorxmlserver start  

[≥ Debian 8]

sudo systemctl start raptorxmlserver

[< CentOS 7]

sudo initctl start raptorxmlserver

[≥ CentOS 7]

sudo systemctl start raptorxmlserver

[< Ubuntu 15]

sudo initctl start raptorxmlserver

[≥ Ubuntu 15]

sudo systemctl start raptorxmlserver


sudo initctl start raptorxmlserver  



If at any time you need to stop RaptorXML Server, use:


[< Debian 8]

sudo /etc/init.d/raptorxmlserver stop  

[≥ Debian 8]

sudo systemctl stop raptorxmlserver

[< CentOS 7]

sudo initctl stop raptorxmlserver

[≥ CentOS 7]

sudo systemctl stop raptorxmlserver

[< Ubuntu 15]

sudo initctl stop raptorxmlserver

[≥ Ubuntu 15]

sudo systemctl stop raptorxmlserver


sudo initctl stop raptorxmlserver  


Starting as a service on macOS

Start RaptorXML Server as a service with the following command:


sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.altova.RaptorXMLServer2024.plist



If at any time you need to stop RaptorXML Server, use:


sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.altova.RaptorXMLServer2024.plist


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