Catalogs, Global Resources, ZIP Files
--catalog = FILE Specifies the absolute path to a root catalog file that is not the installed root catalog file. The default value is the absolute path to the installed root catalog file (<installation-folder>\Altova\RaptorXMLServer2024\etc\RootCatalog.xml). See the section, XML Catalogs, for information about working with catalogs.
--user-catalog = FILE Specifies the absolute path to an XML catalog to be used in addition to the root catalog. See the section, XML Catalogs, for information about working with catalogs.
--enable-globalresources = true|false Enables global resources. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
--gc | --globalresourceconfig = VALUE Specifies the active configuration of the global resource (and enables global resources).
--gr | --globalresourcefile = FILE Specifies the global resource file (and enables global resources).
--recurse = true|false Used to select files within sub-directories, including in ZIP archives. If true, the command's InputFile argument will select the specified file also in subdirectories. For example: "|zip\test.xml" will select files named test.xml at all folder levels of the zip folder. References to ZIP files must be given in quotes. The wildcard characters * and ? may be used. So, *.xml will select all .xml files in the (zip) folder. The option's default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.