Altova StyleVision Server 2022

Uninstall a Taxonomy

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You can uninstall a taxonomy by using the approaches listed below, as applicable.


Graphical user interface (Windows only)

To uninstall a taxonomy:


1.Run XBRL Taxonomy Manager.

2.Clear the check box next to the taxonomies or taxonomy versions you want to uninstall. If the selected taxonomy is dependent on other taxonomy packages, a dialog box opens, informing you that the dependencies will be removed as well, for example:


3.Click Apply to remove the taxonomy and its dependencies.


Command line interface (Windows)

To uninstall a taxonomy, run:


TaxonomyManager.exe uninstall FILTER...


Where FILTER means one of the following:


1.A taxonomy identifier in the format <name>-<version>, for example: eba-2.10, us-gaap-2020.0. To view all the available taxonomy identifiers and versions, run the list command.

2.An .altova_taxonomies file downloaded from the Altova website.


Command line interface (Linux, macOS)

To uninstall a package, run:


sudo ./taxonomymanager uninstall FILTER...


Where FILTER means one of the following:


1.A taxonomy identifier in the format <name>-<version>, for example: eba-2.10, us-gaap-2020.0. To view all the available taxonomy identifiers and versions, run the list command.

2.An .altova_taxonomies file downloaded from the Altova website.


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