Altova StyleVision Server 2022

Run XBRL Taxonomy Manager

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You can run XBRL Taxonomy Manager by using the approaches listed below, as applicable.


Graphical user interface (Windows only)

If StyleVision Server runs on Windows, you can run XBRL Taxonomy Manager as follows:


Double-click the file with the .altova_taxonomies extension downloaded from the Altova website.

From the Windows Control Panel, right-click the Altova Taxonomy Manager entry and select Change or Uninstall from the context menu.


After you complete the installation of StyleVision Server, the check box Invoke Altova Taxonomy Manager is available on the last page of the installation wizard.


Command line interface (Windows)

To run XBRL Taxonomy Manager from a command line interface:


1.Open a command prompt window and change directory to C:\ProgramData\Altova\SharedBetweenVersions.

2.To display help at the command line, run:


TaxonomyManager.exe --help


Command line interface (Linux, macOS)

To run XBRL Taxonomy Manager from a command line interface:


1.Open a terminal window and change directory to %INSTALLDIR%/bin, where %INSTALLDIR% is the program's installation directory.

2.To display help at the command line, run:


sudo ./taxonomymanager --help


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