Specifies the type of XBRL validation to carry out: document to validate (for example, an XBRL instance, XBRL taxonomy, etc).
•eValidateXBRLAny: The document type is detected automatically, and the type of validation is set automatically according to the dcoument type.
•eValidateXBRLInstance: Sets the validation type to Instance. Validates an XBRL instance document (.xbrl file extension).
•eValidateXBRLTaxonomy: Sets the validation type to Taxonomy. Validates an XBRL taxonomy (.xsd file extension).
•eValidateInline: Sets the validation type to Inline. Validates an Inline XBRL (iXBRL) document against the Inline XBRL 1.0 or Inline XBRL 1.1 specification.
•eValidateTaxonomyPackage: Sets the validation type to TaxonomyPackage. Validates an XBRL taxonomy package according to the Taxonomy 1.0 Packages specification.
•eValidate(XBRL)VersioningReport: Sets the validation type to XBRLVersion. Validates an XBRL versioning report (an XBRL Versioning document) according to the XBRL Versioning 1.0 specification. Note that this enumeration literal in Java does not contain XBRL. See below for exact COM/.NET and Java literals, respectively.
Names in COM/.NET are different than in JavaNote that not only is the name of the enumeration different (ENUMXBRLValidationType and ENUMXValidationType). Some enumeration values are also different. The differently named values (by their COM.NET names) are: eValidateXBRLAny, eValidateXBRLInstance, eValidateXBRLTaxonomy, eValidateXBRLVersioningReport.
See the Java section below for the corresponding Java names. |
COM and .NET
eValidateXBRLAny | = 0 |
eValidateXBRLInstance | = 1 |
eValidateXBRLTaxonomy | = 2 |
eValidateInline | = 3 |
eValidateTaxonomyPackage | = 4 |
eValidateXBRLVersioningReport | = 5 |
eValidateXBRLXule | = 6 |
eOpenInformationModelCSV | = 7 |
eOpenInformationModelJSON | = 8 |
eOpenInformationModelXML | = 9 |
Used by
public enum ENUMValidationType {
eOpenInformationModelXML }
Used by