Engine APIs: Python and .NET
RaptorXML+XBRL Server provides two engine APIs:
•a Python wheel file (.whl), which is the Python Engine API: raptorxml<versiondetails>.whl
•a .NET DLL file (.dll), which is the .NET Engine API: raptorxmlxbrlapi.dll
These two engine APIs provide the RaptorXML+XBRL Server functionality as separate packages that are standalone and independent from RaptorXML+XBRL Server (see figure below ). Each package must be installed on the user’s machine before it can be imported as a Python module or integrated into a custom .NET application. Because all processing is performed locally on the user’s machine, the Python and .NET engine APIs provide detailed access to the data models of any valid XML and XBRL instances, XSD schemas and XBRL taxonomies. The APIs expose a rich set of methods to iterate over the content of XBRL instances or allow to retrieve specific bits of information from XBRL taxonomies with a few lines of code.

Note the following points about the Engine APIs:
•After you install RaptorXML+XBRL Server, both engine APIs will be located in the bin folder of the RaptorXML+XBRL Server installation folder.
•The engine APIs provide additional advanced processing via more versatile objects in their APIs.
•In order to use an engine API, a licensed version of RaptorXML+XBRL Server must be installed on the machine on which the Python program or .NET application is executed (see Usage below).
You can create a Python program or .NET application as follows:
Python program
A Python program can access RaptorXML functionality by using Python API objects (see here). When the Python program is executed, it will use the RaptorXML library that has been installed in your Python environment when you install the Python wheel. Note that the Python wheel is compatible with Python version 3.11.8 only.
.NET application
A .NET application can access RaptorXML functionality by using .NET API objects (see here). When the .NET application is executed, it will use the RaptorXML that is contained in the .NET API DLL.
In order to use an engine API, a licensed version of RaptorXML+XBRL Server must be installed on the machine on which the Python program or .NET application is executed. See the section Licensing for more detailed information.