
An xbrl.ConstraintSet class represents a set of XBRL aspect constraints. For each aspect a constraint with an aspect value can be set. When a constraint set is passed to the xbrl.FactSet.filter() method, facts that don’t match the specified aspect values will be filtered out.

class xbrl.ConstraintSet(constraints=None)

Constructs a new xbrl.ConstraintSet object. If no arguments are specifed, a new empty constraint set is constructed. If constraints is of type xbrl.ConstraintSet, a copy of the given constraint set is constructed. If constraints is of type xbrl.Fact, xbrl.Context or xbrl.Unit, then a new constraint set with the aspect values of the given object will be constructed. Otherwise constraints must be an iterator of (aspect, aspect value) tuples.

Class methods

classmethod xbrl.ConstraintSet.fromkeys(type cls, seq, values)

Creates a new constraint set with the given seq aspects and their aspect values.



Returns an xbrl.AspectSet object which represents all aspect kinds present in this constraint set.


Returns an xbrl.ConceptAspectValue object if the concept aspect is set, otherwise None.


Returns an xbrl.EntityIdentifierAspectValue object if the entity identifier aspect is set, otherwise None.


Returns an xbrl.LocationAspectValue object if the location aspect is set, otherwise None.


Returns an xbrl.ScenarioAspectValue object if the non-xdt scenario aspect is set, otherwise None.


Returns an xbrl.SegmentAspectValue object if the non-xdt segment aspect is set, otherwise None.


Returns an xbrl.PeriodAspectValue object if the period aspect is set, otherwise None.


Returns an xbrl.UnitAspectValue object if the unit aspect is set, otherwise None.



Sets the given aspect value.


Removes all constraints from this constraint set.


Returns an xbrl.ConstraintSet object which is an independent copy of the current constraint set.

xbrl.ConstraintSet.get(aspect, default=None)

Returns the constraint value for the given aspect. If the constraint set doesn’t contain a constraint for the given aspect, default is returned.


Removes any constraints that are not in this and the other constraint set.


Returns a new view of the aspect constraints in this constraint set.


Returns a new view of aspects for which constraints were specified in this constraint set.

xbrl.ConstraintSet.pop(aspect, **kargs)

Removes and returns the constraint value for the given aspect. If the constraint set doesn’t have a constraint for the given aspect, default will be returned. If default was not specified, a KeyError is raised.


Removes a constraint value and returns a tuple of (aspect, aspect value). If the constraint set is empty a KeyError is raised.

xbrl.ConstraintSet.setdefault(aspect, default=None)

Returns the constraint value for the given aspect. If the constraint set doesn’t contain a constraint for the given aspect, a new constraint with default as value is added and default is returned.


Merges the constraints in this and the other constraint set or aspect value list. Existing constraints for a given aspect will be overwritten by the aspect values in the other constraint set or aspect value list.


Returns a new view of constraint values in this constraint set.

Special methods

__contains__, __delitem__, __eq__, __ge__, __getitem__, __gt__, __iter__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __ne__, __setitem__