
An xbrl.LocationAspectValue class represents a particular value for the location aspect.

class xbrl.LocationAspectValue

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception. Use one of the following creator methods to construct a xbrl.LocationAspectValue object: from_parent, from_sibling.

Class methods

classmethod xbrl.LocationAspectValue.from_parent(type cls, parent)

Constructs a new location aspect value from the given parent fact or element.

classmethod xbrl.LocationAspectValue.from_sibling(type cls, sibling)

Constructs a new location aspect value from the given sibling fact or element.



Returns xbrl.Aspect.LOCATION.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__