Altova StyleVision 2024 Enterprise Edition

Additional Functionality

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Additional to the content editing, structure, advanced, and presentation procedures described in this documentation, StyleVision provides a range of miscellaneous additional features. These are listed below and described in detail in the sub-sections of this section.


Global Resources. Global resources provide flexibility in selecting resources. For example, multiple resources (such as files and databases), can be assigned to an alias. When an alias is used as a source (XML, XSD, etc) of an SPS, the resource can be switched among the multiple resources assigned to the alias.

Authentic Node Properties. Individual nodes in the XML document have Authentic View-specific properties. Nodes can be defined to be non-editable, to be displayed with markup tags, to display user information on mouseover, etc.

Replace Parent Node OnClick With. The value of the parent node of a button or hyperlink can be selected by the Authentic View user. The SPS can be designed to modify presentation based on what the Authentic View user selects.

Additional Validation. A node can be tested using an XPath expression to return a Boolean value that determines whether user input for that node is valid. This test is in addition to document validation against a schema.

Working with Dates. In Authentic View, a graphical date-picker ensures that dates are entered in the correct XML Schema format. Furthermore, dates can be manipulated and formatted as required.

Unparsed Entity URIs. URIs can be stored in unparsed entities in the DTD on which an XML document is based. The Unparsed Entity URI feature enables images and hyperlinks to use these URIs as target URIs.

Using Scripts. StyleVision contains a JavaScript Editor in which JavaScript functions can be defined. These functions are then available for use as event handlers anywhere within the SPS, and will take effect in the output HTML document.

HTML Import. An HTML file can be imported into StyleVision and an XML, XSD, and SPS files can be created from it.

New from XSLT. An SPS can be created from an XSLT-for-HTML or an XSLT-for-FO. Template structure and styling in the XSLT will be created in the SPS. You can then modify the SPS components and add content and formatting to the SPS.




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