Altova StyleVision Server 2024

Install on Windows Server Core

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Windows Server Core is a minimal Windows installation that does not use a number of GUI features. You can install StyleVision Server on a Windows Server Core machine as follows:


1.Download the StyleVision Server installer executable from the Altova website. This file is named StyleVisionServer<version>.exe. Make sure to choose the executable matching your server platform (32-bit or 64-bit).

2.On a standard Windows machine (not the Windows Server Core machine), run the command StyleVisionServer<version>.exe /u. This unpacks the .msi file to the same folder as the installer executable.

3.Copy the unpacked .msi file to the Windows Server Core machine.

4.If you are updating an earlier version of StyleVision Server, shut down StyleVision Server before carrying out the next step.

5.Use the .msi file for the installation by running the command msiexec /i StyleVisionServer.msi. This starts the installation on Windows Server Core.



Important: Keep the MSI file!

Note the following points:


Keep the extracted .msi file in a safe place. You will need it later to uninstall, repair, or modify your installation.

If you want to rename the MSI file, do this before you install StyleVision Server.

The MSI filename is stored in the registry. You can update its name there if the filename has changed.



Register StyleVision Server with LiceseServer

If you are installing StyleVision Server for the first time or are upgrading to a major version, you will need to register StyleVision Server with an Altova LicenseServer on your network. If you are upgrading to a non-major version of StyleVision Server, then the previous LicenseServer registration will be known to the installation and there is no need to register StyleVision Server with LicenseServer. However, if you want to change the LicenseServer that is used by StyleVision Server at any time, then you will need to register StyleVision Server with the new LicenseServer.


To register StyleVision Server with an Altova LicenseServer during installation, run the installation command with the REGISTER_WITH-LICENSE_SERVER property, as listed below, providing the name or address of the LicenseServer machine as the value of the property, for example:

msiexec /i StyleVisionServer.msi REGISTER_WITH_LICENSE_SERVER="localhost"


To register StyleVision Server with an Altova LicenseServer after installation, run the following command:

msiexec /r StyleVisionServer.msi REGISTER_WITH_LICENSE_SERVER="<MyLS-IPAddress>"


Useful commands

Given below are a set of commands that are useful in the installation context.


To test the return value of the installation, run a script similar to that below. The return code will be in the %errorlevel% environment variable. A return code of 0 indicates success.

start /wait msiexec /i StyleVisionServer.msi /q

echo %errorlevel%


For a silent installation with a return code and a log of the installation process:

start /wait msiexec /i StyleVisionServer.msi /q /L*v! <pathToInstallLogFile>


To modify the installation:

msiexec /m StyleVisionServer.msi


To repair the installation:

msiexec /r StyleVisionServer.msi


To uninstall StyleVision Server:

msiexec /x StyleVisionServer.msi


To uninstall StyleVision Server silently and report the detailed outcome in a log file:

start /wait msiexec /x StyleVisionServer.msi /q /L*v! <pathToUninstallLogFile>


To install StyleVision Server using another langauge (available language codes are: German=de; Spanish=es; French=fr):

msiexec /i StyleVisionServer.msi INSTALLER_LANGUAGE=<languageCode>



Note:On Windows Server Core, the charts and barcode functionality of StyleVision Server will not be available.


Note:To install taxonomies, use the Taxonomy Package Manager via the command line. See the StyleVision Server manual for information about how to do this.


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