Altova StyleVision Server 2022

Command Line Interface

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To call XBRL Taxonomy Manager at the command line, you need to know the path of the executable. By default, the XBRL Taxonomy Manager executable is installed at the following path:









* The Linux and macOS paths are applicable only if you are running XBRL Taxonomy Manager on those operating systems in conjunction with Altova cross-platform server applications such as MapForce Server, StyleVision Server, or RaptorXML+XBRL Server.


By convention, this documentation omits the full path of the executable when describing a given command, and uses <exec> instead of the executable name, for example:


<exec> help


Where <exec> is the path or name of the executable.


Calling XBRL Taxonomy Manager from the installation directory

To call the executable without having to type the full path, change the current directory to the one below:



cd /opt/Altova/StyleVisionServer2022/bin


cd /usr/local/Altova/StyleVisionServer2022/bin


cd "C:\ProgramData\Altova\SharedBetweenVersions"


You can now run a command by calling the executable with a relative path, for example:



sudo ./taxonomymanager help


sudo ./taxonomymanager help


TaxonomyManager.exe help


Note:On Linux and macOS systems, the prefix ./ indicates that the executable is in the current directory. The prefix sudo indicates that the command must be run with root privileges.


Calling XBRL Taxonomy Manager from any directory

To call the executable from any directory, refer to it using the absolute path. Alternatively, if you want to call the program by typing just the executable name, you can edit the PATH environment variable of your operating system so that it includes the full path to the executable's directory. For ways to change the PATH environment variable, refer to the documentation of your operating system.




After changing the PATH environment variable, you may need to close the terminal window and open a new one, in order for the changes to take effect.

On Linux and macOS, using sudo does not take into account the user's PATH.


Command line syntax

The general syntax for using the command line is as follows:


<exec> -h | --help | --version | <command> [options] [arguments]


In the listing above, the vertical bar | separates a set of mutually exclusive items. The square brackets [] indicate optional items. Essentially, you can type the executable path followed by either --h, --help, or --version options, or by a command. Each command may have options and arguments. The list of commands is described in the following sections.


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