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Altova.RaptorXml.Xsd Namespace

The Altova.RaptorXml.Xsd namespace provides a .NET interface for the XML Schema 1.1 Structure and XML Schema 1.1 Datatypes specifications.

This .NET interface enables the user to navigate and access the XML Schema document and its components.

Public classAnnotation

The Annotation class represents human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components.

Public classAnnotationApplicationInformationCollection
Public classAnnotationUserInformationCollection
Public classAnnotationCollection
The AnnotationCollection class represents a collection of Annotation objects.
Public classAny

An element wildcard (Any schema component) provides for validation of ElementInformationItem objects dependent on their namespace names and optionally on their local names.

Public classAnyAtomicType

The AnyAtomicType class is a restriction of AnySimpleType and the base class of all primitive types.

Public classAnyAttribute

An attribute wildcard (AnyAttribute schema component) provides for validation of AttributeInformationItem objects dependent on their namespace names and optionally on their local names.

Public classAnySimpleType

The AnySimpleType class is the root of the XSD datatypes class hierachy.

Public classAnySimpleTypeList
The AnySimpleTypeList class represents a list of AnySimpleType objects.
Public classAnyURI

The AnyURI class represents Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) references. Its values can be absolute or relative.

It has a single read-only instance attribute: anyURI.value.

Public classAssertion

Assertion components constrain the existence and values of related elements and attributes.

These constraints are expressed as XPathExpression objects.

Public classAssertionCollection
The AssertionCollection class represents a collection of Assertion objects.
Public classAssertionsFacet

The AssertionsFacet constrains the value space by requiring the values to satisfy specified XPath expressions.

The value of the assertions facet is a sequence of Assertion components.

Public classAssertionsFacetCollection
The AssertionsFacetCollection class represents a collection of AssertionsFacet objects.
Public classAtomicValueFacet

The AtomicValueFacet class represents the base class for all atomic value facets.

Public classAttributeDeclaration

AttributeDeclaration objects provide for local validation of AttributeInformationItem values using a SimpleTypeDefinition and specifying default or fixed values for AttributeInformationItem objects.

Public classAttributeGroupDefinition

A Schema can name a group of AttributeDeclaration objects so that they can be incorporated as a group into

ComplexTypeDefinition objects. Such a group is called AttributeGroupDefinition.

AttributeGroupDefinition objects do not participate in validation as such, but the AttributeUse objects and

attribute wildcard (AnyAttribute) of one or more ComplexTypeDefinition objects may be constructed in whole

or part by reference to an AttributeGroupDefinition.

Public classAttributeUse

An AttributeUse is a utility Component which controls the occurrence and defaulting behavior of AttributeDeclaration objects.

It plays the same role for AttributeDeclaration objects in ComplexTypeDefinition objects that Particle objects play for ElementDeclaration objects.

Public classAttributeUseCollection
The AttributeUseCollection class represents a collection of AttributeUse objects.
Public classBase64Binary

The base64Binary class represents arbitrary Base64-encoded binary data. For base64Binary data the entire binary

stream is encoded using the Base64 Encoding defined in RFC 3548, which is derived from the encoding described in RFC 2045.

Public classBoolean

The Boolean class represents values of two-valued logic (i.e. True and False).

Public classByte

The Byte class is derived from Short by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 127 and minInclusive to be -128.

Public classComplexTypeDefinition

ComplexTypeDefinition objects provide for:

* Constraining ElementInformationItem objects by providing AttributeDeclaration objects governing the appearance and content of attributes.

* Constraining ElementInformationItem children to be empty, or to conform to a specified element-only or mixed content model, or else constraining the CharDataInformationItem children to conform to a specified SimpleTypeDefinition.

* Constraining elements and attributes to exist, not to exist, or to have specified values, with Assertion objects.

* Using the mechanisms of Type Definition Hierarchy to derive a ComplexTypeDefinition from another SimpleTypeDefinition or ComplexTypeDefinition.

* Specifying post-schema-validation infoset contributions for ElementInformationItem objects.

* Limiting the ability to derive additional types from a given ComplexTypeDefinition.

* Controlling the permission to substitute, in an instance, elements of a derived type for elements declared in a content model to be of a given complex type.

Public classComponent

The base class for all schema components.

Public classComponentCollection
The ComponentCollection class represents a collection of Component objects.
Public classContentType

The ContentType property record determines the validation of children of ElementInformationItem objects.

* A ContentType with variety Empty validates elements with no CharDataInformationItem or

ElementInformationItem children.

* A ContentType with variety Simple validates elements with character-only children using

its SimpleTypeDefinition.

* A ContentType with variety ElementOnly validates elements with children that conform to

the content model supplied by its Particle.

* A ContentType with variety Mixed validates elements whose ElementInformationItem children

(i.e. specifically ignoring other children such as CharDataInformationItem objects) conform to the content model

supplied by its Particle.

* A ContentType with non-absent OpenContent validates elements with some children conforming to the content model

and others conforming to the OpenContent.

Public classDate

The Date class represents dates (year, month, day) with an optional timezone offset.

Public classDateTime

The DateTime class represents instants of time, optionally marked with a particular time zone offset.

Public classDateTimeStamp

The DateTimeStamp class represents instants of time with a required explicit timezone offset.

Public classDayTimeDuration

The DayTimeDuration class represents duration of time in form of seconds. It is derived from Duration by

restricting the Months property to 0.

Public classDecimal

The Decimal class represents a subset of the real numbers, which can be represented by decimal numerals.

Public classDouble

The double datatype is patterned after the IEEE double-precision 64-bit floating point datatype IEEE 754-2008.

Each floating point datatype has a value space that is a subset of the rational numbers.

Floating point numbers are often used to approximate arbitrary real numbers.

Public classDuration

The Duration class represents durations of time. The durations are specified in form of months and seconds.

Public classElementDeclaration

ElementDeclaration objects provide for local validation of ElementInformationItem values using a type definition;

Specifying default or fixed values for ElementInformationItem objects;

Establishing uniquenesses and reference constraint relationships among the values of related elements and attributes;

Controlling the substitutability of elements through the mechanism of element substitution groups.

Public classENTITY

The ENTITY class represents the ENTITY attribute type of XML.

Public classEnumerationFacet

The EnumerationFacet constrains the value space to a specified set of values.

Public classEnumerationFacetCollection
The EnumerationFacetCollection class represents a collection of EnumerationFacet objects.
Public classExplicitTimezoneFacet

The ExplicitTimezoneFacet is a three-valued facet which can can be used to require or prohibit the time zone offset in

date/time datatypes (DateTime, DateTimeStamp, Time, Date, GYearMonth, GYear, GMonthDay, GDay, GMonth).

Public classFacet

The Facet class is the base class for all constraining Facets, they are used to control the various aspects of simple datatypes.

Constraining Facets are given a value as part of the derivation when an ordinary datatype is defined by

restricting a primitive or ordinary datatype; a few constraining Facets have default values that are

also provided for primitive datatypes.

Public classFacetCollection
The FacetCollection class represents a collection of Facet objects.
Public classFloat

The Float datatype is patterned after the IEEE single-precision 32-bit floating point datatype IEEE 754-2008.

Its value space is a subset of the rational numbers. Floating point numbers are often used to approximate arbitrary real numbers.

Public classFractionDigitsFacet

The FractionDigitsFacet places an upper limit on the arithmetic precision of decimal values.

If the value of the FractionDigitsFacet is f, then values are expressible in decimal notation using

at most f digits to the right of the decimal point.

Public classGDay

The GDay class represents specific days of an arbitrary month with an optional timezone offset.

Public classGMonth

The GMonth class represents whole months within an arbitrary year with an optional timezone offset.

Public classGMonthDay

The GMonthDay class represents calendar days with an optional timezone offset that recur at the same point in each calendar year, or that occur in some arbitrary calendar year.

Public classGYear

The GYear class represents Gregorian calendar years with an optional timezone offset.

Public classGYearMonth

The GYearMonth class represents specific whole Gregorian months in specific Gregorian years with an optional timezone offset.

Public classHexBinary

The HexBinary class represents arbitrary hex-encoded binary data.

Public classID

The ID class represents the ID attribute type of XML.

Public classIdentityConstraintDefinition

IdentityConstraintDefinition components provide for uniqueness and reference constraints with respect to the contents of multiple elements and attributes.

Public classIdentityConstraintDefinitionCollection
The IdentityConstraintDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of IdentityConstraintDefinition objects.
Public classIDREF

The IDREF class represents a sequence of ID attribute types of XML.

Public classImport

The Import class represents a reference to another SchemaDocument via <xs:import> element.

Public classInclude

The Include class represents a reference to another SchemaDocument via <xs:include> element.

Public classInt

The Int class is derived from Long by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 2147483647 and minInclusive to be -2147483648.

Public classInteger

The Integer class is derived from Decimal by fixing the value of fractionDigits to be 0 and disallowing the

trailing decimal point. This results in the standard mathematical concept of the integer numbers. The value space of Integer

is the infinite set {...,-2,-1,0,1,2,...}.

Public classLanguage

The Language class represents formal natural language identifiers.

Public classLengthFacet

The LengthFacet provides for constraining a value space to values with a specific number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on base type definition.

Public classList

The List class represents a list of atomic values.

Public classLong

The Long class is derived from Integer by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 9223372036854775807 and

minInclusive to be -9223372036854775808.

Public classMaxExclusiveFacet

The MaxExclusiveFacet provides for constraining a value space to values with a specific exclusive upper bound.

Public classMaxInclusiveFacet

The MaxInclusiveFacet provides for constraining a value space to values with a specific inclusive upper bound.

Public classMaxLengthFacet

The MaxLengthFacet provides for constraining a value space to values with at most a specific number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on base type definition.

Public classMinExclusiveFacet

The MinExclusiveFacet provides for constraining a value space to values with a specific exclusive lower bound.

Public classMinInclusiveFacet

The MinInclusiveFacet provides for constraining a value space to values with a specific inclusive lower bound.

Public classMinLengthFacet

The MinLengthFacet provides for constraining a value space to values with at least a specific number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on base type definition.

Public classModelGroup

When the children of ElementInformationItem objects are not constrained to be empty or by reference to a

SimpleTypeDefinition, the sequence of ElementInformationItem children content may be specified in

more detail with a ModelGroup.

Public classModelGroupDefinition

A ModelGroupDefinition associates a name and optional annotations with a ModelGroup. By reference to the name,

the entire ModelGroup can be incorporated by reference into a term.

Public className

The Name class represents an XML name

Public classNamespaceBinding

The NamespaceBinding property record builds a pair of prefix and namespace.

Public classNamespaceBindingCollection
The NamespaceBindingCollection class represents a collection of NamespaceBinding objects.
Public classNamespaceCollection
The NamespaceCollection class represents a collection of String objects.
Public classNamespaceConstraint

The NamespaceConstraint property provides properties to constraint the AttributeInformationItem and ElementInformationItem objects validated by an AnyAttribute or an Any schema component.

Public classNCName

The NCName class represents a non-colonized name.

Public classNegativeInteger

The NegativeInteger class is derived from NonPositiveInteger by setting the value of maxInclusive to be -1.

This results in the standard mathematical concept of the negative integers. The value space of NegativeInteger

is the infinite set {...,-2,-1}.

Public classNMTOKEN

The NMTOKEN class represents the NMTOKEN attribute type from XML.

Public classNonNegativeInteger

The NonNegativeInteger class is derived from Integer by setting the value of minInclusive to be 0. This results in the

standard mathematical concept of the non-negative integers. The value space of NonNegativeInteger is the

infinite set {0,1,2,...}.

Public classNonPositiveInteger

The NonPositiveInteger class is derived from Integer by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 0.

This results in the standard mathematical concept of the non-positive integers. The value space of NonPositiveInteger is the

infinite set {...,-2,-1,0}.

Public classNormalizedString

The NormalizedString class represents white space normalized strings.

Public classNOTATION

The NOTATION class represents the NOTATION attribute type from XML.

Public classNotationDeclaration

NotationDeclaration objects reconstruct XML NOTATION declarations.

They do not participate in validation as such. They are referenced in the course of

validating strings as members of the NOTATION SimpleTypeDefinition type. An ElementInformationItem

or AttributeInformationItem with its governing type definition or its validating type derived from

the NOTATION SimpleTypeDefinition is valid only if its value was among the enumerations of such

simple type. As a consequence such a value is required to be the name of a NotationDeclaration.

Public classOpenContent

An OpenContent is used to extend the content model of a ComplexTypeDefinition with an optional Wildcard (Any) matching

elements either at the end (mode is Suffix) or everywhere (mode is Interleave) within the

children of the ElementInformationItem.

Public classOverride

The Override class represents a reference to another SchemaDocument via <xs:override> element.

Public classParticle

The Particle class represents a part of a content model.

When an element is validated against a ComplexTypeDefinition, its sequence of child elements is checked

against the content model of the ComplexTypeDefinition and the children are attributed to Particle objects of the

content model. A Particle specifies a term - i.e. an ElementDeclaration, a ModelGroup or a Wildcard (Any)

schema component - and its occurrence constraints.

Public classParticleCollection
The ParticleCollection class represents a collection of Particle objects.
Public classPatternFacet

The PatternFacet is a constraint on the value space of a datatype which is achieved by constraining the lexical space to literals which match each member of a set of regular expressions.

Public classPatternFacetCollection
The PatternFacetCollection class represents a collection of PatternFacet objects.
Public classPositiveInteger

The PositiveInteger class is derived from NonNegativeInteger by setting the value of minInclusive to be 1. This results

in the standard mathematical concept of the positive integer numbers. The value space of PositiveInteger is

the infinite set {1,2,...}.

Public classQName

The QName class represents an XML qualified name.

Public classQNameCollection
The QNameCollection class represents a collection of QName objects.
Public classRedefine

The Redefine class represents a reference to another SchemaDocument via <xs:redefine> element.

Public classSchema

The Schema class represents a Schema as a whole schema component as described in the XML Schema

specification. It provides properties to access the different top-level Component objects and

the SchemaDocument objects used to compose this Schema.

Public classSchemaAnnotationCollection
The SchemaAnnotationCollection class represents a collection of Annotation objects.
Public classSchemaAttributeDeclarationCollection
The SchemaAttributeDeclarationCollection class represents a collection of AttributeDeclaration objects.
Public classSchemaAttributeGroupDefinitionCollection
The SchemaAttributeGroupDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of AttributeGroupDefinition objects.
Public classSchemaDocument

The SchemaDocument class represents a single schema document, part of the Schema as a whole schema component (Schema).

Public classSchemaDocumentCollection
The SchemaDocumentCollection class represents a collection of SchemaDocument objects.
Public classSchemaDocumentReference

The SchemaDocumentReference class represents the base class for Schema document reference elements like <xs:include>, <xs:import>, <xs:redefine> and <xs:override>.

Public classSchemaDocumentReferenceCollection
The SchemaDocumentReferenceCollection class represents a collection of SchemaDocumentReference objects.
Public classSchemaElement

The SchemaElement class represents a single <xs:schema> XML element.

Public classSchemaElementDeclarationCollection
The SchemaElementDeclarationCollection class represents a collection of ElementDeclaration objects.
Public classSchemaIdentityConstraintDefinitionCollection
Public classSchemaModelGroupDefinitionCollection
The SchemaModelGroupDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of ModelGroupDefinition objects.
Public classSchemaNotationDeclarationCollection
The SchemaNotationDeclarationCollection class represents a collection of NotationDeclaration objects.
Public classSchemaSettings

The SchemaSettings class allows to modify the settings used to load and validate XSD schema documents.

Public classSchemaTypeDefinitionCollection
The SchemaTypeDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of TypeDefinition objects.
Public classScope
Public classShort

The Short class is derived from Int by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 32767 and minInclusive to be -32768.

Public classSimpleTypeDefinition

SimpleTypeDefinition objects provide for constraining the values of AttributeInformationItem objects as well as the CharDataInformationItem children of ElementInformationItem objects.

Public classSimpleTypeDefinitionCollection
The SimpleTypeDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of SimpleTypeDefinition objects.
Public classString

The String class represents finite-length sequences of zero or more characters.

Public classSubstitutionGroupAffiliationCollection
The SubstitutionGroupAffiliationCollection class represents a collection of ElementDeclaration objects.
Public classSubstitutionGroupMemberCollection
The SubstitutionGroupMemberCollection class represents a collection of ElementDeclaration objects.
Public classTerm

The Term class represents the term property value of a Schema Particle component.

Public classTime

The Time class represents instants of time that recur at the same point in each calendar day, or that occur in some arbitrary calendar day.

Public classToken

The Token class represents tokenized strings.

Public classTotalDigitsFacet

The TotalDigitsFacet restricts the magnitude and arithmetic precision of values in the value spaces of decimal and datatypes derived from it.

If the value of the TotalDigitsFacet is t, then values are expressible using at most t digits in decimal notation.

Public classTypeAlternative

TypeAlternative components provide associations between boolean conditions (as XPathExpression objects) and TypeDefinition objects.

They are used in conditional type assignment to select the governing type definition of an ElementInformationItem

by evaluating the test XPathExpression of the TypeAlternative schema components of a TypeTable in order.

Public classTypeAlternativeCollection
The TypeAlternativeCollection class represents a collection of TypeAlternative objects.
Public classTypeDefinition

TypeDefinition provides a base class for SimpleTypeDefinition objects and ComplexTypeDefinition objects.

Public classTypeTable

The TypeTable property record governs conditional type assignment for an ElementDeclaration.

It provides a sequence of TypeAlternative schema components.

Public classUnsignedByte

The UnsignedByte class is derived from UnsignedShort by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 255.

Public classUnsignedInt

The UnsignedInt class is derived from UnsignedLong by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 4294967295.

Public classUnsignedLong

The UnsignedLong class is derived from NonNegativeInteger by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 18446744073709551615.

Public classUnsignedShort

The UnsignedShort class is derived from UnsignedInt by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 65535.

Public classValueConstraint

The ValueConstraint declares a default or fixed value for an AttributeDeclaration or an ElementDeclaration.

Public classWhiteSpaceFacet

The WhiteSpaceFacet constraints the value spaces of types derived from String such that the various behaviors of Attribute Value Normalization as specified in the XML specification are realized.

Possible values are: Preserve, Replace and Collapse.

Public classXPathExpression

The XPathExpression property record holds the properties of an XPath Expression (i.e. the expression itself, the namespace bindings, the default namespace and the base URI).

Public classXPathExpressionCollection
The XPathExpressionCollection class represents a collection of XPathExpression objects.
Public classYearMonthDuration

The YearMonthDuration class represents durations of time in form of whole years and months. It is derived from Duration

by restricting the Seconds property to 0.

Public enumerationBlockValue

The BlockValue enumeration provides values for the DisallowedSubstitutions property

as well as for the ProhibitedSubstitutions property.

Public enumerationContentTypeVariety

The ContentTypeVariety enumeration provides values for the Variety property of the ContentType property record.

Public enumerationCTRestrictMode

The CTRestrictMode enum can be used to select if the complex type restriction check should be performed according to the XSD 1.0 or 1.1 specification.

Public enumerationDerivationMethod

The DerivationMethod enumeration provides values for the DerivationMethod property.

Public enumerationExplicitTimezone

The ExplicitTimezone enumeration provides values for the Value property.

Public enumerationFinalValue

The FinalValue enumeration provides values for the substitution_group_exclusions property

of ElementDeclaration objects as well as for the Final and Final properties.

Public enumerationIdentityConstraintCategory

The IdentityConstraintCategory enumeration provides values for the IdentityConstraintCategory property.

Public enumerationImportStrategy

The ImportStrategy enum specifies how to find Schema documents referenced by <xs:import> elements.

Public enumerationMappingStrategy

The MappingStrategy enum specifies how to find Schema documents referenced by <xs:import> elements and @xsi:schemaLocation attributes

when the LoadCombiningBoth or LoadCombiningBoth strategies are being specified.

Public enumerationModelGroupCompositor

The ModelGroupCompositor enumeration provides values for the Compositor property.

Public enumerationNamespaceConstraintVariety

The NamespaceConstraintVariety enumeration provides values for the variety property of NamespaceConstraint property records.

Public enumerationOpenContentMode

The OpenContent enumeration provides values for the Mode property.

Public enumerationProcessContents

The ProcessContents enumeration provides values for the ProcessContents and ProcessContents properties of wildcard schema components.

Public enumerationSchemaLocationStrategy

The SchemaLocationStrategy enum specifies how find for Schema documents referenced by @xsi:schemaLocation attributes.

Public enumerationScopeVariety

The ScopeVariety enumeration provides values for the Variety property of Scope property records.

Public enumerationSimpleTypeVariety

The SimpleTypeVariety enumeration provides values for the Variety property.

Public enumerationValueConstraintVariety

The ValueConstraintVariety enumeration provides values for the Variety property of ValueConstraint property records.

Public enumerationWhiteSpace

The WhiteSpace enumeration provides values for the Value property.

The values describe the different forms of white space normalization.

Public enumerationXsdVersion

The XsdVersion enum indicates the XML Schema specification that should be used to validate schema and instance documents.

See Also