Altova StyleVision Server 2024

About the .NET Interface

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The .NET interface is built as a wrapper around the COM interface. It is provided as a primary interop assembly signed by Altova and uses the namespace Altova.StyleVisionServer.


During installation, StyleVision Server will be registered automatically as a COM server object, so there is no need for a manual registration. If you receive an access error, open the Component Services and give permissions to the same account that runs the application pool containing StyleVision Server.


In order to use StyleVision Server in your .NET project, add a reference to the Altova.StyleVisionServer.dll file (see the instructions below). The Altova.StyleVisionServer.dll is located in the bin folder of the StyleVision Server installation folder. This .dll file is automatically added to the global assembly cache (GAC) during StyleVision Server installation (the GAC is typically located in the C:\WINDOWS\assembly folder).


Once StyleVision Server has been registered as a COM server object, and the Altova.StyleVisionServer.dll is available to the .NET interface, StyleVision Server API functionality becomes available in your .NET project.


Note:If you have installed a 64-bit StyleVision Server, then the 32-bit version of Altova.StyleVisionServer.dll will be located in the bin\API_32bit folder. Similarly, if you have installed a 32-bit StyleVision Server, then the 64-bit version files of Altova.StyleVisionServer.dll will be located in the bin\API_64bit folder.


To add a reference to the StyleVision Server DLL in a Visual Studio .NET project


1.With the .NET project open in Visual Studio, click Project | Add Reference. The Add Reference dialog box pops up.

2.On the Browse tab, browse for the folder: <StyleVisionServer application folder>/bin, select Altova.StyleVisionServer.dll, and click OK.


You can view the structure of the Altova.StyleVisionServer assembly using the Visual Studio Object Browser (to display the Object Browser, click Object Browser on the View menu).


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