Altova Authentic 2024 Desktop

Event: OnBeforeValidate(objDocument as Document, bOnLoading as Boolean, bOnCommand as Boolean) as Boolean


XMLSpy scripting environment - VBScript:

Function On_BeforeValidate(objDocument, bOnLoading, bOnCommand)

 On_BeforeValidate = bCancelDefaultValidation        'set by the script if necessary

End Function


XMLSpy scripting environment - JScript:

function On_BeforeValidate(objDocument, bOnLoading, bOnCommand)


 return bCancelDefaultValidation        //set by the script if necessary



XMLSpy IDE Plugin:

IXMLSpyPlugIn.OnEvent (32, ...)        // nEventId = 32



This event gets fired before the document is validated. It is possible to suppress the default validation by returning false from the event handler. In this case the script should also set the validation result using the SetExternalIsValid method.


bOnLoading is true if the event is raised on the initial validation on loading the document.


bOnCommand is true whenever the user selected the Validate command from the Toolbar or menu.


Available with TypeLibrary version 1.5


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