Altova Authentic 2021 Browser Edition

ASP.NET Web Applications

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To ease deployment of Altova® Authentic® Browser Edition we provide an ASP.NET Server Control that completely integrates with Visual Studio .NET and allows ASP.NET developers to drag-and-drop Authentic Browser onto their web forms.



To use the ASP.NET Server Control


1.Download the ASP.NET Server Control for Authentic Browser Plug-in from the Altova website.

2.Start Visual Studio and register the assembly (the downloaded package) in Visual Studio .NET by adding it to the Toolbox. You could do this by selecting the Tools | Choose Toolbox Items command, and, in the Toolbox Items dialog, selecting the .NET Framework Components, and then browsing for the assembly (Altova:Authentic.WebControls.dll).

3.The AuthenticDocumentView control appears in the General pane of the Toolbox. Drag this control into the Design View and resize or modify as required. (The control will invoke Authentic Browser on the client-side web page.)

4.Add the plugin-related files (Schema, SPS, XML, image files, etc) to your project. One way to do this is to add a new folder to your Visual Studio project via Solution Explorer and add the plugin-related files to the new project folder. For each of these plugin-related files, set the following properties: Build Action = Content and Copy to Output Directory = Yes, when newer.

5.Set the following properties for the AuthenticDocumentView control: (i) Select the Trusted/Untrusted version; (ii) Add the SPS-related resources (SchemaDataURL, SPSDataURL, XMLDataURL); (iii) in the case of the Enterprise edition, add the license information.

6.For IIS version 7.0 or newer, add a static content handler for the SPS file. Do this by adding the following lines to your web.config file:




                         <mimeMap fileExtension=".sps" mimeType="text/xml" />




Example ASP.NET project

An example ASP.NET web application project for Visual Studio 2008, called QuickStartAppl, has been included with the ASP.NET Server Control package. It is located in the Example folder of the unzipped package.


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