
An xbrl.taxonomy.DTS class represents an XBRL Discoverable Taxonomy Set (DTS).

class xbrl.taxonomy.DTS

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.

Class methods

classmethod xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.create_from_url(type cls, url, *, catalog=None, taxonomy_package=None, **kargs)

Returns a tuple with an xbrl.taxonomy.DTS and xml.ErrorLog object. Constructs a new xbrl.taxonomy.DTS object after parsing the XML content retrieved from the given url or list of urls (multiple entry points). Optional user XML catalogs can be specified with the catalog argument. Optional taxonomy packages can be specified with the taxonomy_package argument. Other validation options can be specified using additional kargs. Please consult the RaptorXML CLI documentation http://manual.altova.com/RaptorXML/raptorxmlxbrlserver/rxcli_xbrl_valxbrltaxonomy.htm for a list of available options. Any errors and warnings reported during the validation can be accessed through the returned xml.ErrorLog object.

classmethod xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.validate_url(type cls, url, *, catalog=None, taxonomy_package=None, **kargs)

Validates the XBRL Taxonomy document at the given url or list of urls (multiple entry points) according to the XBRL 2.1, Dimensions 1.0, Formula 1.0 and Table Linkbase 1.0 specification and returns an xml.ErrorLog object with the results. Optional user XML catalogs can be specified with the catalog argument. Optional taxonomy packages can be specified with the taxonomy_package argument. Other validation options can be specified using additional kargs. Please consult the RaptorXML CLI documentation http://manual.altova.com/RaptorXML/raptorxmlxbrlserver/rxcli_xbrl_valxbrltaxonomy.htm for a list of available options. Any errors and warnings reported during the validation can be accessed through the returned xml.ErrorLog object.



Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.ArcroleType objects which represent XBRL arcroleType elements.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.AssertionSet objects which represent all <validation:assertionSet> resources in the Formula linkbase.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Assertion objects which represent all <validation:assertion> and <validation:variableSetAssertion> resources in the Formula linkbase.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.BaseSet objects which represent base sets in the DTS.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.Concept objects which represent all XBRL concepts in the DTS.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.xdt.Dimension objects which represent all XBRL concepts in the DTS that are in the substitution group of xbrldt:dimension.


Returns an iterator of xml.Document objects which represent all XBRL taxonomy schema and linkbase documents in the DTS.


Returns an iterator of xml.Document objects which represent the set of documents used as a starting point for the DTS discovery.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.EqualityDefinition objects which represent all <variable:equalityDefinition> resources in the Formula linkbase.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Filter objects which represent all <variable:filter> resources in the Formula linkbase.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Formula objects which represent all <formula:formula> resources in the Formula linkbase.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.xdt.Hypercube objects which represent all XBRL concepts in the DTS that are in the substitution group of xbrldt:hypercube.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.Item objects which represent all XBRL concepts in the DTS that are in the substitution group of xbrli:item.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.Linkbase objects which represent all XBRL linkbases in the DTS.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Parameter objects which represent all <variable:parameter> resources in the Formula linkbase.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.RoleType objects which represent XBRL roleType elements.


Returns an xsd.Schema object which represents the XML schema component of the underlying DTS.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.table.Table objects which represent all <table:table> resources in the Table linkbase.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.TaxonomySchema objects which represent all XBRL taxonomy schemas in the DTS.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.Tuple objects which represent all XBRL concepts in the DTS that are in the substitution group of xbrli:tuple.



Returns the value of the arcroleType <definition> child element as a string for the given arcrole. Returns None if the arcroleType has no <definition> child element.


Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.ArcroleType object which represents XBRL arcroleType element for the given custom arcrole URI, or None if no arcroleType element was found.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.base_set(linkname, linkrole, arcname, arcrole)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.BaseSet object which represents the base set of arcs for the given extended link name and role URI and the given arc name and arcrole URI.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.calculation_base_set(linkrole, arcrole=None)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.BaseSet object which represents the base set of calculation arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI. If arcrole was not specified, the default summation-item arcrole is used.

Returns a set with link role URIs for each calculationLink extended link that contains arcs with the given arcrole. If arcrole was not specified, the default summation-item arcrole is used.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.calculation_network(linkrole, arcrole=None)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.RelationshipNetwork object which represents the network of relationships of calculation arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI. If arcrole was not specified, the default summation-item arcrole is used.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.definition_base_set(linkrole, arcrole)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.BaseSet object which represents the base set of definition arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI.

Returns a set with link role URIs for each definitionLink extended link that contains arcs with the given arcrole.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.definition_network(linkrole, arcrole)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.RelationshipNetwork object which represents the network of relationships of definition arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI.


Returns an xbrl.xdt.DRS object which represents the dimensional relationship networks in the DTS.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.AssertionSet objects which represent the <validation:assertionSet> resources in the Formula linkbase which match the given id.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Assertion objects which represent the <validation:assertion> or <validation:variableSetAssertion> resources in the Formula linkbase which match the given id.


Returns an object of xml.Document which represents the XBRL taxonomy schema or linkbase document with the given uri in the DTS, or None if no such document exists within the DTS.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.find_equality_definition(ElementDeclaration decl)

Returns an xbrl.formula.EqualityDefinition object which represents the target of an equality-definition relationship starting from the given typed dimension domain definition, or None if no such <variable:equalityDefinition> resource was found.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Filter objects which represent the <variable:filter> resources in the Formula linkbase which match the given id.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Formula objects which represent the <formula:formula> resources in the Formula linkbase which match the given id.


[Deprecated: Use resolve_parameter() instead!]. Returns an xbrl.formula.Parameter object which represents the <variable:paramter> resource with the given XML qualified name in the Formula linkbase, or None if no parameter was found.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Parameter objects which represent the <variable:parameter> resources in the Formula linkbase which match the given id.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.table.Table objects which represent the <table:table> resources in the Table linkbase which match the given id.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.generate_layout_model(Instance instance=None, **kargs)

Generates the layout model for all tables defined in the supporting DTS by table resolution and layout against the given XBRL instance and returns an xbrl.table.layout.TableModel, xml.ErrorLog tuple. Formula parameters can be set using the ‘formula_parameters’ argument by supplying a dict with the user-supplied parameter values. Use the same JSON format as accepted by the –formula-parameters CLI option. The ordering of layout nodes generated by an aspect node can be specified with the ‘aspect_node_order’ parameter which can be either ‘lexical’ or ‘instance’. When ‘preserve_empty_aspect_nodes’ is set to True, a placeholder structural node will created when the aspect node expands to the empty set. When ‘preserve_empty_relationship_nodes’ is set to True, a placeholder structural node will created when the relationship node expands to the empty set. When ‘preserve_merged_rule_nodes’ is set to True, a distinct structural node will be always created even if that node should be merged. When ‘table_elimination’ is set to True, any unpopulated slices (table rows or colulmns) are eliminated from the table.


Generates the structural model for all tables defined in the supporting DTS by table resolution and returns an xbrl.table.structural.TableModel, xml.ErrorLog tuple. Formula parameters can be set using the ‘formula_parameters’ argument by supplying a dict with the user-supplied parameter values. Use the same JSON format as accepted by the –formula-parameters CLI option. When ‘preserve_empty_relationship_nodes’ is set to True, a placeholder structural node will created when the relationship node expands to the empty set. When ‘preserve_merged_rule_nodes’ is set to True, a distinct structural node will be always created even if that node should be merged.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.generic_base_set(linkrole, arcrole)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.BaseSet object which represents the base set of generic arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI.

Returns a set with link role URIs for each <gen:link> extended link that contains <gen:arc> arcs with the given arcrole.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.generic_network(linkrole, arcrole)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.RelationshipNetwork object which represents the network of relationships of generic arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.items_by_type(TypeDefinition typeDef, match_derived_types=True)

Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.Item objects which represent XBRL items in the DTS that have the given type. If match_derived_types is False, the type definitions must match excactly, otherwise items with types that are derived from the given type will be returned.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.label_base_set(linkrole, arcrole=None)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.BaseSet object which represents the base set of label arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI. If arcrole was not specified, the default concept-label arcrole is used.

Returns a set with link role URIs for each labelLink extended link that contains arcs with the given arcrole. If arcrole was not specified, the default concept-label arcrole is used.

Returns a set with link role URIs for each extended link that contains arcs with the given arcname and/or arcrole.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.network_of_relationships(linkname, linkrole, arcname, arcrole)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.RelationshipNetwork object which represents the network of relationships for the base set of arcs for the given extended link name and role URI and the given arc name and arcrole URI.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.presentation_base_set(linkrole, arcrole=None)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.BaseSet object which represents the base set of presentation arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI. If arcrole was not specified, the default parent-child arcrole is used.

Returns a set with link role URIs for each presentationLink extended link that contains arcs with the given arcrole. If arcrole was not specified, the default parent-child arcrole is used.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.presentation_network(linkrole, arcrole=None)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.RelationshipNetwork object which represents the network of relationships of presentation arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI. If arcrole was not specified, the default parent-child arcrole is used.

xbrl.taxonomy.DTS.reference_base_set(linkrole, arcrole=None)

Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.BaseSet object which represents the base set of reference arcs for the given linkrole and arcrole URI. If arcrole was not specified, the default concept-reference arcrole is used.

Returns a set with link role URIs for each referenceLink extended link that contains arcs with the given arcrole. If arcrole was not specified, the default concept-reference arcrole is used.


Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.Concept object which represents the XBRL concept with the given XML qualified name in the DTS, or None if no concept was found.


Returns an xbrl.formula.Parameter object which represents the <variable:paramter> resource with the given XML qualified name in the Formula linkbase, or None if no parameter was found.


Returns the value of the roleType <definition> child element as a string for the given role. Returns None if the roleType has no <definition> child element.


Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.RoleType object which represents XBRL roleType element for the given custom role URI, or None if no roleType element was found.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__