
An xbrl.TypedDimensionAspectValue class represents a particular value for the dimension aspect of typed dimensions.

class xbrl.TypedDimensionAspectValue(Dimension dim, ElementInformationItem value=None)

Constructs a new typed dimension aspect value with the given typed domain definition value for the given typed dimension.

Class methods

classmethod xbrl.TypedDimensionAspectValue.from_nil(type cls, Dimension dim)

Constructs a new typed dimension aspect value with a xsi:nil=”true” typed domain definition value for the given typed dimension.

classmethod xbrl.TypedDimensionAspectValue.from_string(type cls, Dimension dim, value)

Constructs a new typed dimension aspect value with the given typed domain definition value for the given typed dimension.



Returns an xbrl.xdt.Dimension object representing the dimensional aspect.


Returns an xbrl.xdt.Dimension object which represents the dimension aspect.


Returns an xml.ElementInformationItem object which represents the typed domain definition value.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__