
An xbrl.Item class represents an item in an XBRL instance document.

Base class: xbrl.Fact

class xbrl.Item

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.



Returns an xsd.SimpleTypeDefintion object which represents the actual simple type definition that was used to validate the value of this XBRL fact. In case of types derived from xbrli:dateTimeItemType, one of the union member types xs:date or xs:dateTime will be returned. Returns None if the XBRL fact is of type xbrli:fractionItemType.


Returns an xbrl.ConstraintSet object with aspect values of the XBRL fact for all aspects in the dimensional aspect model.


Returns the boolean value as bool. Returns None if the xsi:nil attribute is set to True. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL fact is not a boolean item.


Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.Concept object which represents the XBRL concept associated with this XBRL fact.


Returns an xbrl.ConceptAspectValue object which represents the concept aspect value of the XBRL fact.


Returns an xbrl.Context object which represents the XBRL context referenced by this XBRL item.


Returns the value of the ‘contextRef’ attribute as a string, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have a ‘contextRef’ attribute.


Returns the value of the ‘decimals’ attribute as an int, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have a ‘decimals’ attribute. If the decimals attribute value is ‘INF’, float(‘inf’) is returned.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.ExplicitDimensionAspectValue and xbrl.TypedDimensionAspectValue objects representing the dimension aspect values of the XBRL fact.


[Deprecated: use fraction_value instead!] Returns the effective fraction value as fractions.Fraction. Returns None if the xsi:nil attribute is set to True. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL fact is not a numeric item of type fractionItemType or a type derived from fractionItemType by restriction.


Returns the effective numeric value after rounding as decimal.Decimal. Returns None if the xsi:nil attribute is set to True. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL fact is not a numeric item.


Returns an xml.ElementInformationItem object which represents the XML element information item of the XBRL fact.


Returns an xbrl.EntityIdentifierAspectValue object which represents the entity identifier aspect value of the XBRL fact.


Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.Item object which represents the enumeration value of this XBRL fact. Returns None if the xsi:nil attribute is set to True. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL item is not a single value enumeration concept.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.Item objects which represent the enumeration values of this XBRL fact. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL item is not a set value enumeration concept.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.ExplicitDimensionAspectValue objects representing the explicit dimension aspect values of the XBRL fact.


Returns the effective fraction value as fractions.Fraction. Returns None if the xsi:nil attribute is set to True. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL fact is not a numeric item of type fractionItemType or a type derived from fractionItemType by restriction.


Returns the value of the ‘id’ attribute as a string, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have an ‘id’ attribute.


Returns the inferred decimals value according to http://www.xbrl.org/Specification/XBRL-2.1/REC-2003-12-31/XBRL-2.1-REC-2003-12-31+corrected-errata-2013-02-20.html#_4.6.6 as an int or float(‘inf’). If the precision attribute on the XBRL fact was 0, the decimals value cannot be inferred and float(‘nan’) is returned. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL fact is not a numeric item.


Returns the display value associated with the fact in an inline xbrl document.


Returns the format qname associated with the fact in an inline xbrl document.


Returns a boolean if the fact is hidden in an inline document.


Returns a boolean if the fact has a sign in an inline document.


Returns the scale of a fact in an inline xbrl document.


Returns an xbrl.Instance object which represents the containing XBRL instance document.


Returns an xbrl.LocationAspectValue object which represents the location aspect value of the XBRL fact.


Returns an xbrl.ScenarioAspectValue object which represents the non-xdt scenario aspect value of the XBRL fact.


Returns an xbrl.SegmentAspectValue object which represents the non-xdt segment aspect value of the XBRL fact.


Returns the schema normalized value of the XBRL fact as a string. Returns None if the xsi:nil attribute is set to True. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL fact is a numeric item of type fractionItemType.


Returns the numeric value before rounding as decimal.Decimal. Returns None if the xsi:nil attribute is set to True. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL fact is not a numeric item.


Returns an xbrl.Tuple object if the fact is contained within a tuple or an xbrl.Instance object if the fact is at the top level (contained in <xbrli:xbrl>).


Returns an xbrl.PeriodAspectValue object which represents the period aspect value of the XBRL fact.


Returns the value of the ‘precision’ attribute as an int, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have a ‘precision’ attribute. If the precision attribute value is ‘INF’, float(‘inf’) is returned.


Returns an xml.QName object which represents the XML qualified name of the XBRL fact element information item.


Returns an xml.QName object which represents the QName value of this XBRL fact. Returns None if the xsi:nil attribute is set to True. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL fact is not of type xbrli:QNameItemType.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.TypedDimensionAspectValue objects representing the typed dimension aspect values of the XBRL fact.


Returns an xbrl.Unit object which represents the XBRL unit referenced by this XBRL item.


Returns the value of the ‘unitRef’ attribute as a string, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have an ‘unitRef’ attribute.


Returns an xbrl.UnitAspectValue object which represents the unit aspect value of the XBRL fact, or None if the XBRL fact doesn’t have an unit aspect.


Returns the value of the ‘xml:lang’ attribute as a string, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have an ‘xml:lang’ attribute.


Returns True if the XBRL fact’s element information item has the xsi:nil attribute set to True, otherwise False.


xbrl.Item.c_equal(Item fact)

Returns true if both facts are C-Equal as defined by the XBRL 2.1 equality predicates.

xbrl.Item.cu_equal(Item fact)

Returns true if both facts are C-Equal and U-Equal as defined by the XBRL 2.1 equality predicates.

xbrl.Item.dimension_aspect_value(Dimension dimension)

Returns an xbrl.ExplicitDimensionAspectValue or xbrl.TypedDimensionAspectValue object which represents the dimension aspect value of the XBRL fact, or None if the XBRL fact doesn’t have a dimension aspect for the given dimension.

xbrl.Fact.duplicate(Fact fact, aspect_based=False)

Returns true if both facts are duplicates as defined by the XBRL 2.1 equality predicates.

xbrl.Item.duplicate_class(Item fact)

Returns an xbrl.DuplicateClass enum specifying the type of duplicates.

xbrl.Fact.footnote_relationships(arc_role=None, link_role=None)

Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.FootnoteRelationship objects. If called without any arguments, all <footnoteArc> relationships starting from this fact will be returned. Use arc_role and link_role arguments to constrain the returned relationships.

xbrl.Fact.footnotes(footnote_role=None, arc_role=None, link_role=None, lang=None)

Returns an iterator of xbrl.taxonomy.Footnote objects. If called without any arguments, all assigned fact-footnote footnotes will be returned. Use foonote_role, arc_role, link_role and lang arguments to constrain the returned footnotes. If arc_role is not specified, only footnotes connected by fact-footnotes <footnoteArc> arcs are considered.

xbrl.Fact.has_ancestor(Tuple tuple)

Returns true if the give tuple is an ancestor of this fact.

xbrl.Fact.identical(Fact fact)

Returns true if both facts are identical as defined by the XBRL 2.1 equality predicates.

xbrl.Fact.p_equal(Fact fact)

Returns true if both facts are P-Equal as defined by the XBRL 2.1 equality predicates.

xbrl.Item.pcu_equal(Item fact)

Returns true if both facts are P-Equal, C-Equal and U-Equal as defined by the XBRL 2.1 equality predicates.


Returns the numeric value after rounding to the given decimal places as decimal.Decimal. Returns None if the xsi:nil attribute is set to True. Raises an AttributeError if the XBRL fact is not a numeric item.

xbrl.Fact.s_equal(Fact fact)

Returns true if both facts are S-Equal as defined by the XBRL 2.1 equality predicates.

xbrl.Item.u_equal(Item fact)

Returns true if both facts are U-Equal as defined by the XBRL 2.1 equality predicates.

xbrl.Item.v_equal(Item fact)

Returns true if both facts are V-Equal as defined by the XBRL 2.1 equality predicates.


Returns an URI with XPointer fragment that points to this XML element as a string. If the XML element information item has an id attribute, a shorthand pointer with the id attribute value will be generated, otherwise the XPointer element scheme will be used. Set force_element_scheme to True to prevent generation of shorthand pointers.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__