XML Editor Text View Gets a Big Update

Starting with Version 2017, XMLSpy developers will have access to some new, time-saving productivity tools in their favorite XML editor, including a modernized  Find/Replace dialog, an easy way to select all occurrences of a particular string, and a shortcut for finding a parent element.

I was amazed how much time and effort these new tools saved me right away – let’s take a look, and I’ll show you how.

News about XML find / replace

Modernized Find/Replace Dialog

The Find dialog in XMLSpy’s Text View has always offered advanced functionality including granular filtering options like searching in or excluding element/attribute names or contents, processing instructions, and so on, as well as the ability to search using Regular Expressions with an integrated Regular Expression Builder.


XML Find/Replace via regular expression


What gives the dialog its more modern feel is that it’s now modeless, i.e., it can stay open as you’re working. You can also search within a selection – this is the part that has already saved me such a significant amount of time that I get really excited about it – and each search term is instantly highlighted both in Text View as well as being indicated on the scroll bar, for quick visualization and navigation.


Find/replace in the XML editor

Finally, the Find combo box stores and lets you search for any of the last 10 strings with one click.

Don’t worry though – the killer Find-in-Files window for Find/Replace over entire folders or projects is still available in the Messages window at the bottom of Text View.


Another productivity boost is provided with the new select-to-find functionality: you don’t even need to hit Ctrl-F to search. Highlighting any string will instantly highlight all matches throughout the document, with their locations indicated on the scroll bar as well.

You can select a whole word to match (by double clicking it or via mouse highlight), or optionally match selections as short as 1 characters, all of which is configurable using the View / Text View Settings dialog.




Jump to Parent Element

Have you ever been working on a complex XML document and needed to quickly identify the parent element of the current node? Now, it’s as easy as Ctrl-Alt-E.


Make sure to download the latest version of XMLSpy to try these new features out – along with support for big data in Avro files, support for new databases and drivers, and much more.

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