Tag Archive for: debugging

Developing and Debugging User Functions in Mobile Apps

Recently I came across this note in a senior developer’s code review of a colleague’s work: “Slightly revised the user function to work correctly when languages other than English are used.” This was a surprising comment–the code is the code and it shouldn’t make a difference what language the developer or the end user speaks! A user function is simply an expression that may accept input parameters and returns a result.

Altova MobileTogether supports user functions in a cross-platform mobile development framework that combines drag-and-drop UI design and standardized functional programming for data selection and processing. Several MobileTogether demo applications are highly dependent on user functions and the MobileTogether Designer includes features that greatly assist creating and validating user functions.

Let’s take a look at user functions in mobile apps by examining one of these demo apps.

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An Easy Way to Test HTTP Requests During Development

Web and web services developers often need to send HTTP requests – whether for testing APIs, testing REST and SOAP web services, or managing web sites.

XMLSpy makes it easy to send and receive HTTP requests directly in the XML and JSON editor during development with its HTTP Window and WADL/WSDL Import Wizard, a great time-saving tool for debugging web services.

Web servers - testing http requests
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How to Debug XPath and XQuery Expressions

XPath and XQuery are powerful functional programming languages for selecting and querying data in desktop or mobile applications – and, in fact, XQuery was added to the TIOBE Index in early 2016.

When you’re writing XPath and XQuery statements, it’s vital to ensure your expressions return the desired results, and this can be a frustrating process of trial and error. The XPath / XQuery Debugger in XMLSpy makes it easy to test and troubleshoot your code, in the very same window where you’re developing your expressions.

XPath/XQuery Debugger

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