Das folgende mit Anmerkungen versehene Python-Skript verarbeitet Daten in der Datei NanonullOrg.xml (aus dem Ordner examples des RaptorXML-Applikationsordners) und erstellt ein Ausgabedokument namens summary.html. Das Ausgabedokument enthält eine Tabelle, in der die Gesamtanzahl der Aktien, die sich im Besitz der Angestellten jeder einzelnen Abteilung befinden, summiert ist.
Das Skript kann mit einem Befehl wie dem folgenden an die Befehlszeilenschnittstelle übergeben werden:
raptorxml xsi --streaming=false --script-api-version=1 NanonullOrg.xml
Anmerkung: | Wenn Sie die Option --script mit dem Befehl valxml-withxsd | xsi verwenden, stellen Sie sicher, dass streaming=false definiert ist. Andernfalls wird eine Warnung zurückgegeben, dass das Skript nicht ausgeführt wurde. |
import os
from altova import xml
def getElemTextValue(elem):
"""Returns the text content of an XML element"""
text = ''
for child in elem.children:
if isinstance(child,xml.Character):
text += child.character_code
return text
def getChildElemsWithName(elemParent,name):
"""Returns a list of all child elements with the given name"""
elems = []
for child in elemParent.children:
if isinstance(child,xml.Element) and child.local_name == name: |
return elems
def getDepartmentName(elemDepartment):
"""Returns the name of the department specified in the <Name> element""" |
return getElemTextValue(getChildElemsWithName(elemDepartment,'Name')[0])
def getDepartmentTotalShares(elemDepartment):
"""Returns the number of shares held by each person in that department""" |
# Initialize total shares to 0
totalShares = 0
# Sum the shares of each <Person> within the deparment
for elemPerson in getChildElemsWithName(elemDepartment,'Person'):
elemShares = getChildElemsWithName(elemPerson,'Shares')
# <Shares> element is optional, thus we need to check for its existence
if len(elemShares):
# Get the value of the <Shares> element, convert it to an integer and add it to the total sum
totalShares += int(getElemTextValue(elemShares[0])) |
return totalShares
def calcSharesPerDepartment(instance):
"""Return a map containing the number of shares held by the persons in each department"""
# Get XML root element
elemOrgChart = instance.document.document_element
# Check if the root element is <OrgChart>
if not elemOrgChart or elemOrgChart.local_name != 'OrgChart' or elemOrgChart.namespace_name != '':
# Otherwise raise error
raise Error('This script must be used with a valid OrgChart instance!')
mapSharesPerDepartment = {}
# Go through each <Department> in each <Office> and set the number of shares held by each person in that department
for elemOffice in getChildElemsWithName(elemOrgChart,'Office'):
for elemDepartment in getChildElemsWithName(elemOffice,'Department'):
mapSharesPerDepartment[getDepartmentName(elemDepartment)] = getDepartmentTotalShares(elemDepartment)
return mapSharesPerDepartment
def writeSummary(mapSharesPerDepartment,filename):
"""Write a summary containing the number of shares for each department to the give filename"""
# Open file for writing
f = open(filename,'w')
f.write('<html><title>Summary</title><body><table border="1">\n')
# Generate a table row for each department with the deparment's name and its total number of shares
for name,shares in sorted(mapSharesPerDepartment.items()):
# Close file
def on_xsi_valid(job,instance):
"""This method will be automatically called by RaptorXML after successful validation of the XML instance"""
# Create a 'summary.html' file in the job's ouptut directory (when run from the CLI this will be the current working directory)
filename = os.path.join(job.output_dir,'summary.html')
# Calculate the number of shares per department and write a summary to 'summary.html'
# Register the newly generated 'summary.html' output file